No po-mojo and Meryl

Hello Escritori,

Hope you’re all doing well, I’ve got nothing poem shaped. I’m sorry. I’m okay, just the mojo is not a-flowin’. I’ve been trying to inspire myself by finding Nizami translations. He is wonderful at conveying both the wonder and the spirituality of love: definitely one of those ‘wow, why didn’t I think of that!?’ poets.

Alhambra waterfall 1

Unfortunately he’s mainly in his original languages of Farsi and Dari which I unfortunately do not speak, hence the need for translation. Hopefully something will come up on the poetic front, I have a couple of sounding phrases I’ve stolen from here and there, give them a different colour and they’re yours – all the best artists steal – right Meryl Streep?

Yesterday I discovered the Arabic word for ‘tear’ as in ‘teardrop’ – ibra al ain – something which has passed from/exceeded the boundary of the eye. Al ain, is the eye. Masha’Allah, I haven’t made any serious effort to learn it, but etymologically, Arabic is endlessly interesting to me.

How people process phenomena within the logic of language and describe the same thing in different ways is fascinating and very telling. Like tu me manques in French, translated as ‘I miss you’ but is actually constructed as ‘you are missing from me.’

In Arabic, there are fourteen different words for love, that innately relate to each kind and nuance of the emotion, the word, gharam for example is passionate love. Urdu speakers would recognise it as connoting ‘heat’ and then when coupled with ‘love’ would make the adequate deductions, whereas poor ‘love’ in English has to be weighed down with clarifying and quantifying adjectives.

Digressions like this make me remember that although English IS the language of my heart, my home language, and my spiritual language are so apart from English that some of that heart can’t help but use the most apt  words from anywhere in trying to express itself. This also goes for additional learned languages. I might say ‘there was such a huge mezcla of things going on today…’  because Spanish seems best.

All words should be in the service of love, though love itself needs none.

Keep scribbling, pray for rain and quatrains.

(I would use those, but I already have.)

~ Pola ~


41 thoughts on “No po-mojo and Meryl

    1. Thanks for the recommendation dear Sarah! When I don’t want to nap (seems to happen a lot on days off in Wedding Season) I definitely will. Managed to scrape something together for next week. x

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes that was the poet, there was no specific poem. But thanks, I read it out loud and it was sufficiently sad to cheer me up. Sometimes you have to go backwards to go forwards. Sweet of you.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I know what you mean (about going in reverse…). Glad you enjoyed it! Always a pleasure to be of use in some way or another. 🙂


      2. I don’t actually know… it doesn’t really have a title. In the collection I have in Greek, it’s the 15th out of 17 untitled 4-line poems (took me ages to figure out what was going on there!).


      3. Four lines:
        “Chi sa, forse non ci ameremmo tanto
        se le nostre anime non si vedessero da lontano
        non saremmo così vicini, chi sa,
        se la sorte non ci avesse divisi.”


      4. In English (my half-assed translation):
        ​Who knows, perhaps we wouldn’t have loved each other so,
        If our souls hadn’t seen each other from so far.
        Perhaps, we wouldn’t have come so close, who knows,
        If fate hadn’t kept us apart.


      5. Of course… I can just translate it myself from Greek to English. I just don’t speak Turkish (Though I can read it!).


      6. No worries – grey weather does that! I’m trying to copy out some notes and have discovered I can’t read my own handwriting…


      7. That would be an interesting idea… I could make it a competition (no prize though). 😛 If it were prose, it would mean I was doing something useful! This is part of my procrastination. [Actually, they’re notes on the evolution of Japanese scripts]


      8. Good ol’fashioned curiosity, mainly. I realised I don’t know anything about Japan, so I decided to take a course on it to expand my knowledge. 🙂 The particular section is on bookbinding but to explain how and why there are so many types of traditional books, it delves into a bit of a history lesson on how Japanese written language evolved. It’s fascinating! I’ve discovered that English uses so many words to describe things while Japanese seems to be very precise.


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