Flash Fiction (11)


She had never really understood the urge to travel. This was a paradox which none of her friends took seriously, because she acquired languages with ease.

“If I was in love with you, I’d want to see you just… existing in lots of different places.” A friend offered, by way of illustration.

“Okay… “

“You know, soaking it all up and speaking all the languages you know. Isn’t that the point?”

“Of what?”

“Of learning them.”

But really, why bother to travel?

There were two states to life in its individual trajectory. Seclusion or loneliness. So much of her life had been spent between these states: bridged over by alienation.

Of course it was possible to feel lonely, even among humanity. It was the act of repelling alienation that stoked her need – not just to be known – but to be understood.

She was only just beginning to understand that travel was what carnivale was to the soul.

A deliberate disruption.

A honeymoon – for example – was a catalyst adding intrigue to their pact to discover each other.

The location had to echo the action – the place as well as the person would be unchartered.

And with time (she hoped) both would become beloved.

(© Copyright Pola Negri, 10/02/2018.)

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